
Verifiable AI, Everywhere.

Vanna Network Overview

Terminology Tip: An "inference" is just a fancy way of saying "running a trained AI/ML" model on some input parameters.

The Vanna Network is the decentralized execution layer for AI/ML.

Vanna supports native inference directly computed, secured, and verified on-chain; designed in a way that is so seamless that leveraging AI/ML in dApps is as easy as a simple smart contract function call.

Vanna is the one-stop-shop for AI inference and has everything you need to run an inference pipeline on-chain.

  1. Querying Data: Access oracle feed data or on-chain state by making interchain queries to smart contracts.

  2. Preprocessing: Leverage Vanna's built-in precompiles to preprocess queried raw data to prepare it for inference.

  3. Inference Execution: Seamlessly and scalably run inference with any level of cryptographic security that suits your use-case

  4. Inference Validation: All cryptographic proofs securing inference are verified on the Vanna network by validator nodes.

  5. Publishing & Provenance: Inference results can be delivered to contracts on any chain through cross-chain messages, and are also published to the data availability layer.

Last updated